Alain Bertaud Featured in Bloomberg CityLab
In Bloomberg CityLab’s, “It’s Time for Economic Developers to Focus on Transportation,” David Zipper argues that the ideas in Senior Fellow Alain Bertaud’s Order Without Design are important for economic developers who are interested in increasing regional economic productivity.
“Bad transportation is a tax on business productivity,” Bertaud says. He offers himself as an example, noting that he lives in Glen Rock, New Jersey (population: 11,780). “If I had no transport, I would have to find a job in Glen Rock,” he says. “But there is no job for an urbanist in Glen Rock. I would probably work in a supermarket. I would hate it, and my boss would think I am terrible.”....
NYU’s Bertaud agrees about the importance of providing accessibility for urban residents with limited incomes. “Every city has a low-income area and a high-income area,” he says. “From those low-income areas, how many jobs can you access, and how quickly?” It’s unclear how many economic development directors can answer that question.
Next City followed up with a summary of Zipper’s piece.