Aug 28,2024
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Director of Human Exploitation and Resilience, Meredith Dank, has received an NSF CIVIC grant for her project, “Together Organizing Data Access for Youth Programs in New York City (T.O.D.A.Y.)”:
To increase the ability of runaway and homeless youth organizations to respond to youth needs and navigate a changing landscape, this project will develop and pilot a coordinated data platform. This platform will enable youth to provide up-to-date intake information to providers and specify their service needs, and enable multiple organizations to assess the population waiting for shelter and services.
The project aims to better match youth with organizations that can increase their access to shelter and meet their unique set of needs. Through strategic partnerships with local service providers, governmental agencies, local coalitions, and with direct input from youth with lived experience, the project will develop the infrastructure for a coordinated data platform to improve data collection and management processes across varied youth service organizations.
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