BetaGov Oversees Police2Peace Trial in SC
Columbia Star published an article featuring the Litmus BetaGov team and quoting Dr. Angela Hawken, the Director of the Litmus Program at the NYU Marron Institute. The Police2 Peace initiative, which "aims to create better interactions between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve" will help the Richland County Sheriff’s Department add the words "Peace Officer" to its entire fleet of marked patrol vehicles.
An independent research collaboration of NYU and UCLA called BetaGov will study the decal change and its impact on the community and deputies.
Researchers will look for changes in community complaints and commendations. They will also conduct surveys with the deputies and the community.
“We are extremely excited to be conducting this study,” said Dr. Angela Hawken, the founder and director of BetaGov. “Because of the size of the fleet of the Richland County Sheriff’s Department, verifiable results can readily be obtained.”