Focus on Justice Reform, Not Punishment
Angela Hawken Discusses Pilot Research Program in Punjab, India
Marron Institute Director, Angela Hawken, met with the Indian Police Service (IPS) in Punjab to discuss how she and her team, along with collaborating scholars from IDFC, a Mumbai-based research-focused think/do-tank, could help constables and officers conduct pilot research projects to effect change in their communities and in the organization. In Punjab, Angela visited several cities as well as rural villages and police departments. In the video, Angela discusses how she and the Litmus team would support data analysis and research-capacity development to empower IPS to address issues such as law-enforcement morale, force management (such as establishing an on-and-off-duty shift system), and implementation of drug policies targeting both supply and demand. Dinkar Gupta, Punjab Director General of Police, relates his excitement about the opportunity to challenge the status quo and establish new procedures and learning opportunities for the unit. In addition to assisting IPS with implementing a learning model, Marron’s Litmus team has discussed supporting IPS in data science; among several priorities under consideration are incident mapping and finding missing women and children.