Sustaining Places

Place-based collaborations led by neighborhood-based nonprofits partnering with government and the private sector have played a key role in saving cities, spurring neighborhood-based economic development, and making municipal government more nuanced and responsive at the local level. As we enter a new era of urban stress, now is the time to address the limitations of those collaborations by creating and testing new mechanisms and models to make them more empowered, sustainable, and equitable. This initiative aims to identify and develop models and mechanisms, including financial ones, which will allow these hyperlocal community partnerships to create vibrancy in more contexts and communities, by convening and collaborating with the nonprofit, government, and private-sector practitioners who are doing the work in the field to find new solutions.

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Leader: Tim Tompkins

Tim Tompkins
Fellow / Director's Office Labs

Tim Tompkins is a Fellow at the NYU Marron Institute. He works to understand and improve cities through SharedCitySharedSpace, which explores how the interaction of ideas, institutions, individuals and culture can contribute to prosperous and vibrant cities. Serving as the head of the Times Square Alliance from 2002 to 2020, he spearheaded the revitalization of Times Square’s public spaces and established Times Square Arts. He chaired the International Downtown Association and founded Partnerships for Parks, after working for NYC’s Economic Development Corporation and serving briefly as the Nationals Editor of the Mexico City News.

He is an Adjunct Professor of Urban Planning at NYU Wagner, where he teaches “Transforming Cities Equitably: Public Space, Partnerships, Politics & the Press” and “Arts, the Artist and Urban Transformation.” Tim’s expertise has led him to deliver keynote speeches on urban transformation in prominent cities worldwide, including Stockholm, London, Bilbao, Halifax, Mexico City, São Paolo, New Delhi, Barcelona, Tokyo, and Toronto. He has degrees from Yale and Wharton and has lived in New York, Paris, and Mexico City.