National Academies Creates
Mark Kleiman Innovation for Public Policy Memorial Lecture

The Mark Kleiman Innovation for Public Policy Memorial Lecture has been created to honor longtime member of Committee on Law and Justice at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the late NYU Marron faculty member, Mark Kleiman:
The Mark Kleiman Innovation for Public Policy Memorial Lecture will be awarded annually (for the period that sufficient funding remains available) to an early career investigator with a portfolio of research that informs criminal justice decision making and public policy, or other related field. It will be accompanied by a monetary prize and the opportunity to present at a meeting of the Committee on Law and Justice. Mark was fond of novel, counterintuitive, and contrarian ideas—the type of work in which early career professionals are rarely encouraged to engage. In this spirit, the award is intended to identify scholars with innovative ideas for public policy; a demonstrated record of successful peer reviewed publication is neither necessary or sufficient positive factor for selection.