
Jun 29,2023
Litmus Hosts Family Unity Convening

Working Paper
/ Jun 26,2014
Thinking About Punishment
James Q. Wilson and Mass Incarceration
Mark A. R. Kleiman
The Litmus program has received an award from the Davidson County (Tenn.) Sheriff’s Office (DCSO). The team will help DCSO improve screening for substance use disorder in their jails, assess their expanded treatment and supportive services, and study a new program, Father’s Day Out, which allows eligible incarcerated fathers to meet with their children, in a healthier supportive environment, in the community. Director of Litmus, Angela Hawken, notes:
The DCSO has assembled a stellar team and assistance from three community organizations in Nashville that are deeply committed to helping these men and their families during their period of incarceration and post-release, using novel approaches. We look forward to learning alongside them as we continue to sleuth for solutions in Nashville and across the US.
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