
Nov 10,2021
Urban Expansion Series Webinar: 3
On “The Containment of Urban Expansion”

Feb 19,2021
Making Room for Urban Expansion
Catalyzes Infrastructure Investment in Ethiopia
Patrick Lamson-Hall
The Baton Rouge Area Foundation has provided an update on the Myrtlelawn “pocket” park, a component of the Co-City Baton Rouge project that includes the efforts of Senior Fellow Clayton Gillette and Assistant Research Scholar Manny Patole.
A vibrant component of the Imagine Plank Road Master Plan is a neighborhood “pocket” park on a vacant lot at 4258 Plank Road, the corner of Plank and Myrtlelawn Street. With design nearing completion, the park should be built and ready for residents to enjoy by the end of this year.
While the Myrtlelawn Park represents badly needed new greenspace for Plank Road residents, the project is also a window into how Build Baton Rouge is tackling the master plan’s projects. Converting the empty lot to a functioning park is an example of BBR activating a parcel of land from its land bank, which was established to return abandoned or blighted lots to commerce or public use.
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