100% Graduation Rate for Litmus’
First Two Cohorts of Reentrants

Litmus is leading initiatives to design and test approaches to bringing people home to their communities sooner and ready to thrive. In Illinois, along with a coalition of partners from the Illinois Department of Corrections, Illinois Department of Employment Security, workforce development, public and private colleges, and training centers, they are helping people returning home from incarceration with securing quality employment.
The team recently graduated its second cohort of participants in a vocational welding program. Director of Litmus, Angela Hawken, notes:
We are proud of these graduates. They completed five weeks of intensive training and obtained American Welding Society certifications. These acquired skills and credentials make them immediately employable on release. We are especially grateful to the U.S. Department of Labor for supporting this work and to Litmus research scholars Janelle Prueter and Joshua Doerner, who lead field implementation, for helping these graduates reach their goals despite the many challenges that COVID presented and for ensuring that lessons learned inform policy.