Jul 13,2022
Urban Expansion Program Attends WUF11
Supporting Rapidly Growing Secondary Cities
/ Sep 10,2021
Director of Urban Expansion, Solly Angel, and Research Scholar Patrick Lamson-Hall have written Climate-Resilient Urban Expansion Planning: A Tool for Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Risks in Secondary Cities. The report cites their previous research on Manhattan densities:
Densities change over time, even in the absence of climate change, because of social factors such as household size, technological factors such as access to transportation, and economic factors such as household income. In the slums of lower Manhattan, densities declined from 1,530 persons per hectare in 1910 to 400 persons per hectare in 2010, largely because of women’s education (reducing household size), union wages (increasing household income), and the subway system (making it possible to live further from your place of work) (Angel and Lamson-Hall 2015).
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