Metro Construction Costs in Stockholm
RSVPThe Transportation and Land Use team has completed their report on the construction of urban rail tunnels in Stockholm, including recently-opened Citybanan and under-construction Nya Tunnelbanan. They will explain why Stockholm builds infrastructure for costs well below global averages, and yet which trends are raising costs dramatically over time.

Alon Levy is a Fellow in the Transportation and Land Use program of the NYU Marron Institute. Alon's work focuses on public transportation and how to apply best practices from cities around the world. Alon Levy grew up in Tel Aviv and Singapore and has lived in the French Riviera, New York, Providence, Vancouver, and Stockholm, and is currently based in Berlin. While earning a Ph.D. in math at Columbia, Alon picked up an interest in public transportation networks, starting from the New York City Subway, and has been investigating how to apply best industry practices from a variety of cities around the world. Alon’s perspective is comparative, with interests including network design, integrated planning of transportation and development, and cost control.

Clinical Assistant Professor / NYU Marron Institute
Eric Goldywn is a program director at the Marron Institute of Urban Management and a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Transportation and Land-Use program at the NYU Marron Institute. He received his Ph.D. in Urban Planning from Columbia University. He teaches courses on urban planning and urban studies and his writing on cities and transportation technology has been published in academic journals and popular press outlets. Before starting this project, Eric and Alon worked together on a proposal to redesign Brooklyn’s Bus Network.

Elif Ensari is a Research Scholar in the Transportation and Land-Use program at the NYU Marron Institute. She was trained as an architect specializing in architectural design computing. She holds a master’s degree from Southern California Institute of Architecture (SciARC) and a dual Ph.D. degree from Istanbul Technical University and University of Lisbon. Her research utilizes urban analytics to support design and planning for sustainable mobility. She has taught at Istanbul Bilgi and Columbia Universities. Prior to joining the NYU Marron Institute, she provided design computing, spatial analysis and visualization services as part of research collaborative Bits’n Bricks in Istanbul.
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