Sep 17,2014
How to Have Less Crime and Less Punishment
Conversations on Urbanization: Mark Kleiman & Paul Romer
Brandon Fuller
While reading George Kelling and Catherine Coles's 1996 book Fixing Broken Windows, I was very interested to come across a set of Principles of Law Enforcement that were developed by Sir Robert Peel in 1829. Peel was a Tory and Conservative and served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1834 to 1835 and again from 1841 to 1846.
The principles represent an early version of community policing that could serve as a good guide to police forces in the modern day. They point out that the goal of police "is to prevent crime and disorder" (emphasis added), not simply to respond to it or to catch criminals. The document also deals explicitly with police relations with the community ("the police are the public and the public are the police"), use of force ("cooperation of the public...diminishes, proportionately, to the necessity for the use of physical force and compulsion"), and the appropriate measure of police success ("the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them").
Kelling and Coles argue that "if we adopt the approach implicit in Peel's principles…We must move away from the use of reactive, 911 policing." This means that low crime rates, order maintenance, and positive citizen perceptions of the police, not 911 response times or number of arrests, are the appropriate measures of police success. The authors go on to say that "In partnership with the police, citizens themselves must…accept mutual responsibility for their own prudent, effective, and legally permissible involvement in crime prevention and order maintenance." Citizen involvement in public safety and order maintenence is similar to the concept Jane Jacobs referred to in The Death and Life of Great American Cities as "eyes on the street," where a city can "make a safety asset…out of the presence of strangers."
Here is the complete set of principles, reprinted from Kelling and Coles's book.
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