NYU Student Opportunities


The Civic Analytics program, Human Exploitation and Resilience initiative, and Litmus program invite applications for NYU student opportunities at NYU Marron starting in fall 2022. We seek a diversity of disciplinary training, backgrounds, and perspectives for these paid positions.

  • Civic Analytics (CA) Graduate Student Fellowship: The fellowship projects are data-focused, so candidates with expertise in data science, machine learning, statistical modeling, spatial analysis, network analysis, and/or web development and interactive data visualization are particularly encouraged to apply by the deadline of September 9. 
  • Human Exploitation and Resilience (HERI) Graduate Student Research Assistantship: The qualitative research-assistant positions are focused on project management, qualitative data-collection methods and writing, so candidates with expertise in project management; case coding; survey development and administration; interviews and focus groups with vulnerable populations; and writing policy briefs, technical reports, and journal publications are particularly encouraged to apply by the deadline of September 16.
  • Litmus Communications and Design Fellowship: The Fellow will work with the director and other research scholars to support the design of communication tools and the interactive communication of our applied research. Candidates with strong recording and production skills, prior experience with producing VR 360 content, and creating engaging communication tools are particularly encouraged to apply by the deadline of September 21.

CA Student Fellowship Opportunity

HERI Research Assistantship Opportunity

Litmus Fellowship Opportunity

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