
Aug 26,2022
Human Exploitation and Resiliency Qualitative RA
Application Deadline September 16

Jan 26,2021
Litmus invites applications for an assistantship in interactive communications and design at the NYU Marron Institute, for the Fall 2022 semester.
The Litmus Communications and Design Fellow
Graduate and undergraduate students are welcome to apply for this paid position. The Communications and Design Fellow will work with the director and other research scholars to support the design of communication tools and the interactive communication of our applied research. Candidates with strong recording and production skills, prior experience with producing VR 360 content, and creating engaging communication tools are particularly encouraged to apply. This position would be a good fit for a motivated and creative student who works well with others. Fellows must be willing and able to travel with the team to at least one research site, including out-of-state travel (all costs associated with travel will be covered by the Marron Institute).
About the Litmus Communications and Design Fellowship. The Fellow will work alongside researchers who engage with government agencies and non-profit organizations to provide insights, knowledge, and opportunities for action. Fellows can expect to:
To apply, please submit the following:
Application materials should be emailed to no later than September 21, 2022. Research-assistant positions are for the Fall 2022 semester, with extension possible for subsequent semesters.
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