
Dec 05,2013
Links Roundup: MOOCs, Infrastructure, Training, and More
Kari Kohn

Jul 25,2012
Nathan Nunn on Culture and Economic Development
Brandon Fuller
According to Shailendra R. Mehta, the United States owes its current dominance in higher education to an innovation in governance that put alumni in control of universities:
The model dates back to 1865 when the Massachusetts General Court placed Harvard University in the hands of alumni rather than the state—it had been a public institution since 1636. Other universities took note of the new governance model and began to copy the structure.
It will be interesting to see how alumni-run universities hold up in the rankings as the accessibility of higher education expands through online course offerings and the many start-ups beginning to compete in this space. In The Washington Monthly‘s recent article, The Seige of Academe, Kevin Carey writes:
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