Denise O'Donnell Joins the Litmus Team

Denise O'Donnell

NYU is tapping more talent from the federal transition. Today, Denise O’Donnell, Director of the United States Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) under President Obama, joins the Litmus team at New York University’s Marron Institute. While at BJA, O’Donnell gained a strong reputation for leading a reform agenda. Litmus, which includes BetaGov, supports innovation and testing in the public sector. “This is monumental for us,” said Angela Hawken, Director of Litmus. “Denise’s deep understanding of criminal justice agencies and her stellar reputation will be instrumental to our efforts to support stakeholder-inclusive innovation in New York and across the country.” Prior to joining BJA, O’Donnell served as the New York State Commissioner of Criminal Justice Services and as the United States Attorney for the Western District of New York (appointed by President Clinton).

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