
Dec 14,2020
Initiative to Build Safer Communities in Victoria

Working Paper
/ Jun 26,2014
Thinking About Punishment
James Q. Wilson and Mass Incarceration
Mark A. R. Kleiman
Marron Director, Angela Hawken, and the Litmus team have been awarded funding from Unorthodox Philanthropy (UP) to work with state and local agencies around the rapid release and reentry of incarcerated persons amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to previous funding from UP, the Litmus team has already demonstrated the feasibility and value of a model for reentry (including early release) that entails collaboration among service providers, community-based organizations, and government agencies. Now, as the risk to people in jails and prisons is growing as the pandemic spreads, the Litmus team will use this experience to help facilities around the country in managing their responses to COVID-19.
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