
Nov 18,2015
Patrick Lamson-Hall, a research scholar at NYU’s Marron Institute of Urban Management, was quoted by New York Post reporter Zachary Kussin in his article, "The rise of NYC’s new insta-hoods". The article delves into the reasons behind the rise of Queens Plaza, Manhattan’s Far West Side and Downtown Brooklyn's "insta-hoods". While the areas still lack the critical masses of residents and must-have services, industry insiders insist they’re poised to become vibrant communities.
If there’s one thing that’s accelerated interest in these “insta-hoods,” it’s pre-existing infrastructure. Downtown Brooklyn and Queens Plaza have great access to transportation — about 10 train lines run through each one.
“Part of what makes an urban area function well is having a mix of residents and people who pass through it on their way to other parts of the city,” says Patrick Lamson-Hall, research scholar at NYU’s Marron Institute of Urban Management.
However, the northern end of the Far West Side still has catching up to do — despite Hudson Yards’ new 7 train station, which aids the area’s southern section. “Thinking of how the transit lines are, I can’t imagine anyone going through that area on their way to or from work,” Lamson-Hall adds.
To read the full article, click here.
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