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Four Keys to Making Room for Urban Expansion

+ Brandon Fuller

In this FAQ video, Solly Angel addresses the question of how rapidly growing cities can make room for their expansion. It’s a straightforward process that involves four key steps:

  1. Making realistic projections of how much land will be needed for the city’s expansion.
  2. Creating generous city limits that correspond to the land needs.
  3. Planning an arterial grid of roads, spaced roughly 1km apart, that will carry public transportation and trunk infrastructure.
  4. Reserve public open spaces that the municipality and community groups can protect from development.


The Urban Expansion initiative is now collaborating with municipalities in Ethiopia and Colombia as the walk through these key steps.

The Municipal Team of Bahir Dar Working on Its Draft Arterial Road and Public Open Space Plan, Addis Ababa, July 2013
The Municipal Team of Bahir Dar Working on Its Draft Arterial Road and Public Open Space Plan, Addis Ababa, July 2013
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