Jan 30,2014
In the Colombian newspaper El Espectador, the Colombian Federal Director of the Planning Department, Simón Gaviria, discusses the collaboration of the Colombian Government with New York University's Marron Institute.
The recent peace agreements between the Colombian government and FARC, and the need to update more than 83% of their municipal land use plans, have created a great opportunity for Colombian cities. Gaviria touts a massive urban renewal plan and highlights the positive impacts that this could have on the economy in a post-conflict scenario.
Precisamente este fue uno de los temas que se trataron en el Congreso Nacional de Comerciantes, que termina este viernes en la ciudad de Armenia. El director del Departamento Nacional de Planeación, Simón Gaviria, explicó que “vamos a trabajar junto a la Universidad de Nueva York y del Banco Mundial para actualizar los POT de más de 800 municipios del país, entre ellos Bogotá. Este plan será de gran ayuda para los grandes municipios que son receptores de desplazados, y ahora que estamos a punto de entrar en el posconflicto, podemos rediseñar estos centros urbanos”.
This was one of the topics discussed at the National Congress of Merchants, which ends Friday in the city of Armenia. The director of the National Planning Department, Simon Gaviria, explained "we will work with New York University and the World Bank to update POT in more than 800 municipalities, including Bogotá. This plan will will be a great help to large municipalities that are receiving displaced people, and now that we are about to enter the post-conflict era, we can redesign these urban centers. "
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