
Jul 22,2016
Mark Kleiman & Hakeem Jeffries on Policing
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public safety

Apr 24,2015
Marron Course Fall 2015
Brandon Fuller
Watch as Richard Florida, Paul Romer, and Robert Sampson discuss the Challenge of the City. Topics covered include Sampson's work on the role of neighborhood effects in the concentration of advantage and disadvantage in the same city. The discussants also cover the role that the reduction in violent crime plays in urban transformation. They also discussed the various approaches to the city taken by different disciplines in the social sciences and, specifically, about the notion of approaching the city through Pasteur's Quadrant — the idea that the way for academics to deepen their fundamental understanding of cities is to engage with real urban problems. This event was co-sponsored by the Marron Institute and NYU's School of Continuing and Professional Studies.
Tile image courtesy of Jay Miller via Flickr.
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