Felix Salmon on Variable Pricing
+ Brandon Fuller
Why is it that the Yankees can’t manage to fill a stadium while Broadway shows are consistently at capacity? As Felix Salmon explains in the latest Felix TV segment, it comes down to Broadway’s embrace of variable pricing.
In a blog post, Felix makes the case that New York City should bring the variable pricing model to on-street parking as well.
NYC would not be the first city to adopt the San Francisco parking model. SF Park recently won the Living Labs Global Award for Santiago, Chile.
In effect, San Francisco is exporting its successful service innovation to Santiago, Chile — a city that used Living Labs Global to conduct a competitive search for the best solution. In a rapidly urbanizing world, the market for such solutions will only grow, creating opportunities for mutually beneficial exchange between cities. Though New York City seems like a natural leader in this market, it’s got some catching up to do when it comes to managing traffic congestion.