
Oct 28,2019
Constantine Kontokosta Awarded NSF Grant

/ Nov 09,2017
The Resilience to Emergencies and Disasters Index
Applying big data to benchmark neighborhood resilience capacity
Constantine Kontokosta, Awais Malik
Director of Civic Analytics, Constantine Kontokosta, Research Scientist Bartosz Bończak, and Associate Research Scholar Boyeong Hong presented at Open Data Week, an annual festival of community-driven events organized and produced by the NYC Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics and BetaNYC. In their introduction, Kontokosta said:
What we’ll talk through today is some of our work and show some examples of how we are using open data, how we’re using different computational methods to really extract some understanding and insight out of these data sets, not only to empower the public and residents of the city but also to help inform city operations, city planning, and broadly about public-sector decision-making.
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