Improving Bus Service in Brooklyn
Alon Levy Offers Preliminary Thoughts
Alon Levy offers preliminary thoughts on improving bus service in Brooklyn — part of a new project he is taking with Eric Goldwyn in collaboration with the Marron Institute:
As I wrote in Curbed earlier this year, bus operating costs in New York are unusually high because the buses are slow, as the main operating costs of buses scale with service-hours and not service-km. Thus, it’s important to speed up the buses, which allows either providing higher frequency at the same cost or the same frequency at lower cost. A bus speedup should include systemwide off-board fare collection and all-door boarding (common in the German-speaking world but also in San Francisco), wider stop spacing, dedicated lanes wherever there is room, and signal priority at intersections; the TWU is an enthusiastic proponent of off-board fare collection, for reasons of driver safety rather than bus speed.
Tile photo by Niv Rozenberg.