Marron Institute / Wednesday May 08,2019
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Regulatory Equity

Lunch with John Mangin

60 Fifth Avenue Second Floor New York, NY 10011

Within a given city, neighborhood land use fights used to be first-order fights over regulations within a given regulatory regime – upzoning v. downzoning, residential v. manufacturing – but are now second-order fights about the nature of the regulatory regimes themselves – basic zoning v. special frameworks that offer endless customization and control, today and in the future. The result is that many cities now have completely different regulatory regimes – completely different cities – within the city itself.

The difference is of kind, not degree, and gives local politicians and policymakers the ability to be endlessly solicitous to certain neighborhoods while providing few hooks to address similar concerns in different neighborhoods elsewhere in the city. This phenomenon has the potential to amplify the inequities that relentlessly embed themselves in land use regulations. Issues of second-order “regulatory equity” deserve close attention from policymakers and scholars as zoning evolves in an era of urban resurgence.   

This event is open to NYU faculty, research staff, and graduate students. To RSVP please email


John Mangin
Senior Counsel / NYC Department of City Planning

John Mangin is Senior Counsel at the NYC Department of City Planning and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Urban Planning of NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. Prior to that, he was a teaching fellow at Georgetown University Law Center and worked in affordable housing development and litigation for Fair Share Housing, an organization that grew out the Mount Laurel exclusionary housing suits in the 1970s and '80s. He is the author of “The New Exclusionary Zoning” in the Stanford Law and Policy Review and “Ethnic Enclaves and the Zoning Game” in the Yale Law and Policy Review. He was also a Yale Law Public Interest Fellow at the CUP (Center for Urban Pedagogy), where he co-authored "What Is Affordable Housing?" and "What Is Zoning?" He is a graduate of Yale Law School.