Mar 03,2020
A team of NYU researchers led by Katrina Wyman, NYU Law School professor and Director of the Environmental and Energy Law LLM Program, and including NYU Marron Civic Analytics Program Director Constantine Kontokosta and Research Scholar Bartosz Bonczak, was awarded a grant from the New York City Department of Environmental Protection. The team of experts across NYU aims to determine whether, and how, a carbon-trading system could help lower the costs of implementing carbon-emissions caps for large buildings, as dictated by the City’s Climate Mobilization Act, Local Law 97 (LL97) of 2019. Kontokosta and Bonczak will advise the project team on data sources, data processing, and analytics related to modeling the carbon-trading system. In addition, Kontokosta and Bonczak will provide expertise and insight with respect to building energy datasets and methods for cleaning and integrating data from multiple sources.
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